Thursday 29 July 2010

Party planning

well, Ive been busy trying to plan a few events/parties. Olivias baby dedication is on the 3rd of October, followed by Rebeccas baby shower. Then its Livs America 1st birthday, followed by her UK 1st busy. Phew... busy busy. Im trying to be organized, which means being busy planning now. I feel like my head is spinning with ideas..I just need to do them. Its a bit hard with Liv, as I dont want her to be bored going around all the shops. So alot of work is being done online. Oh the joys of late night internet shopping! Keep an eye out for upcoming events!

Tuesday 20 July 2010

6 months!!!

Well, its been over 6 months since I have blogged. Wow, where has the time gone! Olivia is currently asleep (in our bed...wish I could say cot = ) ), and I am able to write a bit before she wakes up. She has grown so quickly.. I cant believe shes already sitting up, eating solids, and trying to crawl. I am really enjoying being a mommy. It has its challenges, but is very rewarding. Olivia is such a happy little girl; always smiling. I am blessed to have such a lovely baby. Our schedule is quite busy during the week...visiting with friends, attending baby groups, etc. We have made some amazing new friends who are true kindred spirits. My NCT friends have been such a source of encouragement and support... I couldn't have gotten this far without them. I sit here in my nice clean house (thanks hannah), relaxed and peaceful, and I am overwhelmed with how blessed I truly am! Well, that's all for now. Liv seems to be stirring a bit.