Thursday 31 July 2008


Today I spent most of the morning in the back garden with Benji. He posed for a few photos which were super cute. It was such a sunny, warm day here in Newcastle. I did the laundry, baked some yummy chocolate cookies (because Matt was coming over to hang out with Chris tonight), and prepared dinner. I decided to take Benji with me to work, which was sortof a disaster. I dont think he liked it very much. By the time we got home from seeing one of my service users, it was pouring down rain! So I prepared dinner and waited for Chris to come home. I cant wait for another nice day tomorrow with Benji.

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Settlers night

Tonight Chris and I went to Elleanors for dinner and to play settlers of Catan. It was an intense game, as all three of us were into it. In the end Chris won. We are so glad to have Elleanor part of our family. She is such a lovely friend! And she makes amazing chicken mexican soup!!!

Tuesday 29 July 2008

waiting till he comes home...

Today is one of those days that I cant wait for Chris to come home. I have had a nice day relaxing with Benji. I went to work for a few hours, then came home and took Benji out to the garden. Becci came over for a bit, and we watched Miss Potter and ate pancakes. Now I sit here waiting for Chris. Dinner is in the oven, and I cant help but feel a bit excited by the fact that in 30 minutes he will come through the door. I think Benji and I will go back out to the garden and wait for him there...

Ross and Sallys Wedding

Today Chris and I went to Ross and Sallys wedding. It was at a beautiful castle, called Loumley Castle. I had never been to a wedding in an actual castle, which was very extravagant. Everyone seemed to have a great time. Chris was Ross' best man, and so he gave a very funny speech. I was proud of him = ). I think the best part of the entire day was taking a stroll around the castle grounds with Chris, and having drinks in the courtyard. When we got home, which was rather late, little Benji was so excited to see us. He really gets lonely when we are away.

Sunday 27 July 2008

A nice day out

Yesterday Chris, Benji and I all headed down to bishop Auckland for a bbq at Chris' parents house. Benji had the best time skipping around the yard. It was his first day outside on the grass, which i was afraid about. But he was great and loved it! The food prepared by Chris' mom and dad was amazing. However, as you can see, it took two Parrys to season the chicken. All in all we had a wonderful day!

Monday 21 July 2008

A great weekend

Chris and I ventured to Congelton near Manchester with Steph and Simon this weekend. We had such a great time getting to know them both as a couple better. On Friday night we all sat around and chatted wtih Stephs close friends from the area. Then on Saturday we woke up and went to a carnival in the town. Steph and I went on a really fast ride, which was a bit scary. Later that day Stephs mom threw a reception in honor of Steph and Simon, where Steph put on her wedding dress again. All her friends and family came to the event, and there even was a guitarist. We had such a lovely time...we were sad to come back to Newcastle on Sunday. Becci watched the bunny all weekend, which she enjoyed. When we got back, she had prepared a lovely sunday roast for us.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Benjamins First Haircut

Today I gave Benjamin his first hair cut. What a mess. I think he will need another one really soon.

Monday 14 July 2008

naughty bunny

Today I stayed home with Benjamin bunny who was quite naughty. He went in places he shouldnt have, nawed on things he couldnt have, and went potty outside his litter box. What a naughty bunny! I attempted to go to a workout class, which ended up being a social hour, as my instructor fancied talking rather than excercising. Anyways, the rest of the day I spent cleaning up after him. Jess came over for a cup of coffee which was nice, but Benjamin was being naughty which was quite a distraction. Later tonight, we went to Steph and Simons for a chili dinner. It was YUMMY! They invited a load of couples which was nice. Benjamin wasnt happy being put into his cage...I think he felt quite betrayed. But we were glad to have a night out with friends. It seemed that all the wives got together and chatted about recipes, Martha Stewart, candles, and babies...while the guys chatted about, well I actually know what they chatted about. All in all, we had a great time! We love Steph and Simon so much and cant wait to share many more moments with them like tonight!

Sunday 13 July 2008

Benjamin, Becci, and Banana Cake

Today Becci and Chris came over for some super yummy banana cake and to meet little Benjamin. We all had a good time watching Benjamin jump around, and entertain us. He has truly captured a piece of all of our hearts! I think he bonded with Becci the most, which is good because she will be bunny-sitting him this weekend while Chris and I go to Congleton. We are a bit anxious about leaving him for a few days, but we know he will be in good hands. It should be a nice time down south as we are going to Stephs mums house for the weekend, for another wedding reception held for some of Stephs relatives who weren’t able to make it to the wedding in Newcastle. Im glad I will be able to wear my bridesmaids dress again!

Saturday 12 July 2008

Playing wtih Benji

Today we stayed home all day. We had nothing planned for the day, which was nice. I got called away for an emergency at work, but Benjamin was in good hands with Chris. I think Benjamin is getting used to us, and adapting well to life here on Stamfordham Road. Ali, our friend from church, joined us for enchiladas and banana fostoers tonight. YUM YUM. Benjamin spent most of his time in the office, which was sad. I think he is afraid of the wood floors in the living room. Ali will have to come by again another time to get some bonding time in with little benjamin.

Friday 11 July 2008

Dr. Party

Chris and I went to Chris Hopkinsons graduation party, which was a doctor theme. There was everything from bandaged up pizzas to a body cake, with none other than red cake filling. What a fun time!

Another Lazy Day

Today I stayed home from work to take care of little Benjamin. Chris surprised us both by coming home early. Benjamin had such a fun time while I took a nap. He ran around, jumping in his litter box, then behind the chair, and even carried one of the stones out of our fireplace display...I dont know how he managed, but he is a big boy. I went to the local pet store and got a new brush for his wild hair, a huge bag of food, and some other little things. Its been a challenge keeping up with him and keeping the house tidy. But I think as time goes on we will get into a bit of a routine. We cant wait to show Chloe her new friend on the web cam tonight!

Thursday 10 July 2008

Meet Benjamin

Meet Benjamin B. Parry, thats B for Bunny. Today Chris and I went to a bunny farm in Durham and met Benjamin for the first time. He has rather long hair, although at the moment his hair cut is a bit silly. We love him though! After saying goodbye to Jane, the farm owner, we stopped off at grandma and grandpas for a visit. They were quite excited to meet little Benjamin, and he was greeted with a carrot. We then journied on home, where he had a little wash to freshen up. Benjamin has begun to settle into 95 Stamfordham Road quite well. We are very excited of the many adventures that await us with Benjamin Bunny.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Getting Ready

Today Chris and I went to the pet store and picked up a crate for our new addition to our family. On Thursday we are planning on getting a bunny. We are both excited and a bit nervouse at it will be our first pet together. Chris has done alot of research on bunnies, and I have a bit of experience under my belt. I guess the 'unknown' can be a bit frightening. We will have to see what Thursday brings.

Monday 7 July 2008


I love this picture of all the girls... and Hudson. It was taken in Downtown Riverside at Christmas. We had such a fun time in Riverside last year...we cant wait to do it again soon.

Sunday 6 July 2008

Lazy Day

Today Chris and I had a lazy day. We woke up and went to church, and then came home and lounged about. It was very relaxing, eating leftover hummus and pitas, watching Hairspray, and having another banana fosters experience. It has been a nice day!

Saturday 5 July 2008

Greek food and parents

(above: Chris and I with his parent on our legal wedding day)
Today we spent the day with Chris' parents. We went to Boudary Mill shopping centre first, for a bit of shopping. I was able to get some super cute Hush Puppies for only 13 pounds! Then we came back home for some yummy greek food. The Falafels were an experiment, along with the hummus...but I think it was a hit. All the greek stuff got me excited about our holiday in a few weeks. I cant wait. We also made banana fosters for dessert...All I can say is YUM YUM! It was exciting catching the rum on fire them pouring it over the bananas. Definently will make again!!! We had a very nice time with Chris' parents and cant wait for them to come over again.

Friday 4 July 2008

Red, White and Blue

The fourth of July in Newcastle was once again celebrated with our good friends Chris and Jen. Although there were no fireworks (however, my darling husband did bring his scary fire crakers which were a tad bit too loud), nor was there a big parade with American flags flying about.... But there was yummy bbq food, watermelon, and a classic strawberry shortcake. I think there was enough American spirit coming from Jen and I to cover all of Newcastle.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Almost 1 year!

Chris and I have been married for almost 1 year. Its incredible how fast time flys! It was this time last year that we had just bought 95 Stamfordham Road. The water wasnt working, the walls had fallen down, and Chris and I were left with a rather large project infront of us. Now, a sign reads 'Buy Me' outside our little flat. We are both looking forward to what is ahead of us on this bumpy road called life.

Fun with the Camera

Chris and I went on a photo shoot today. It was completely random, but really fun. With my new short hair do, and favorite top on, we headed down to the Quay side and took some snaps, followed by an attempt at taking some photos at the dene. However, the sun went down a bit too soon. Chris also stepped on some dog doo doo, and then attempted to climb up a tree for a photo. Needless to say, he got it all over his clothes so we had to go home. It was quite funny though. We will have to do it again sometime soon (minus the dog doo doo part)