Tuesday 30 June 2009

Tea Time

On Saturday I catered for a womens day held at a local church. There were 35 women and it was to be a tea party. I was very excited for the chance to bring out my best china for the event. I baked carrot cake, chocolate fudge cake, and lemon drizzle cake. We had scones, jam and clotting cream. And of course tea. It was such a fun time. I am so thankful for Chris who helped me the entire day...I could have never done it without him.

Monday 29 June 2009

Getting a Bump

(13 weeks)

(Nearly 15 weeks)

Here are a few pictures of me and the bump taken at 13 weeks, and then at nearly 15. Chris and I are getting really excited, and cant wait to start buying all the baby stuff. We find out in 2 weeks if we are having a boy or a girl. I cant wait to find out.

Sunday 21 June 2009


It is nearly 1 am, and I cannot sleep. I keep thinking about american food...haha. My tummy has been rumbeling, so I decided to get up, call my mom, and have some bread. Alot has happened over the past couple of weeks. We said a sad goodbye to Benjamin Bunny last weekend. We both knew we needed to find a new home for him since the baby was on the way. He had been acting out alot lately, mainly because I didnt have the energy or time to spend with him due to morning sickness. We also knew that once the baby was here, we would have to focus on the baby and not Benji. So, a very nice couple who already had a rabbit, Flopsy, adopted Benji. It was a very tearful goodbye (I actually cried for a few days, and felt very lonely in the house without Benji). Last Wedensday, we went to visit him in his new home. He was so happy with Flopsy, it actually brought tears to my eyes. His new home is perfect, and hes getting all the love and attention we havent been able to give him. We do miss Benji loads, but know we did the right thing.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Were Having a Baby

Chris and I are very excited to announce to the world that we are having a baby! Baby Parry is due at the end of December. We cant be happier! God has truly blessed us. So far we've seen the baby at 5, 6,7, 11, and 12 weeks... and already the baby is a cutey. We will find out on July 13th if its a boy or a girl... Very exciting!!!

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Our New Set of Wheels

Today Chris and I went to our local Ford dealership and purchased a 2006 Ford Fusion. We did loads of research on this car, and found that it was going to be the best one for us. Atleast my clients will stop laughing at me everytime they have to walk around and let me out of the driver door ( the door broke a few weeks ago, and you have to either roll the window down and stick your hand out and open the door from the outside; or if the window is being tempermental as it often is, then someone has to walk over and let you out). Our current car also sounds like a motor boat, which has been repeatedly fixed with no avail. Anyways, the Fusion will be picked up on Tuesday and then we will drop off our old car. It will be sad parting with old blue, but his time has come. Hello Fusion.